Um Imparcial View of The Rise of Evil on Earth: Is Biblical Prophecy Being Fulfilled?

Um Imparcial View of The Rise of Evil on Earth: Is Biblical Prophecy Being Fulfilled?

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Why is is that all the calls for cease fire in Israel is tied with having a 2-state solution? Ponder that.

I think it’s crucial for us to understand that this prophecy isn’t merely about a single evil individual. It points to an influential entity or force that opposes Christ and His teachings.

Consider that when Jesus made this prediction the armaments of His day were swords and spears. But today, with nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, it is possible to wipe out all flesh on planet earth.

The false prophets that Jesus spoke about would be voices that would speak from pulpits and they would carry Bibles. They would have all the outward markings of a follower of Christ, yet they would be anything but true disciples of Christ. 

Now, with the turmoil we have seen in the Middle East, at this instant it is possible that such a deal could be confirmed in 2025. Particularly if Israel and Iran escalate direct actions against each other.

5 The Lord observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth, and he saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil.

48 But if that evil servant says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying his coming,’ 49 and begins to beat his fellow servants, and to eat and drink with the drunkards, 50 the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him and at an hour that he is not aware of, 51 and will cut him in two and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

“They are to pray at all times under the direction of the Spirit (who knows what to pray for), and they are to keep themselves diligently alert in prayer and petition on behalf of other believers in the common struggle.”12

Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended. This is the first resurrection. ... Matthew 24:nove-13 ESV / 37 helpful votes

Jesus’ divine prophesies were foretelling the conditions on earth at the end of this age — the very last days before his return. Jesus knew that the cause of the increasing problems would be a result The Rise of Evil on Earth: Is Biblical Prophecy Being Fulfilled? of elevated Satanic activity, but that explanation would have to wait until after his death to be dealt with in detail.

7 as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

26 “When the Son of Man returns, it will be like it was in Noah’s day. 27 In those days, the people enjoyed banquets and parties and weddings right up to the time Noah entered his boat and the flood came and destroyed them all.

As moral decay continues to manifest in various aspects of society, discussions about its role in eschatological narratives are likely to persist.

Passages like Matthew 24 and the book of Revelation read like a fantasy or science fiction novel with epic visions of creatures and beasts. These dramatic scenes of what we refer to as the "last days" or "end times" have led to erroneous declarations from pastors or supposed prophets about the end drawing nigh within the near future. Those dates have all passed, and we can be skeptical of ideas about the end times. 

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